Cat Family Beware of wife cats are shady husband is cool - Personalized Door Mat - Gift For Cat Lovers, Husband Wife, Halloween Gift
It's the small personal touches that transform any space into a welcoming place, and this custom floor mat is all about that. With customization that is totally controlled by you, this one-of-kind doormat creates a stunning piece of home decor, which can be a wonderful gift for yourself or for your family or friends!
Product info
Top Material: Durable heat-resistant non-woven fabric top.
Bottom Material: Non-slip neoprene rubber that keeps your steps safe
2 sizes available: 23.6"(L) x 15.7"(W), 30"(L) x 18"(W).
Designs are printed in vivid detail from edge to edge.
Quickly absorb the moisture from the wet shoes, and trap dirt, dust, and grimes.
Care Instruction
Use a damp cloth or sponge with a small amount of mild detergent for spot cleaning.
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Processing Time: It takes 1 - 3 business days to dispatch your order to our warehouse, put your name and address on it and ship out.
Shipping Time: For Most Products, shipments within the USA take 3 - 6 business days. Typically it takes up to around 10 business days to an EU address(DHL Express upgrade possible at the checkout) and 10-20 days for other international address. Please note that this time frame starts from the date that the item is shipped out.
- For items shipped to the EU from outside the EU, please note that your country may expect you to pay import duty fee.
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- If your product arrives with a defect or doesn't quite match your expectations, rest assured we're here to make things right. In line with our policy, we'll take one of two actions to ensure your satisfaction: We'll either send you a replacement that's equivalent to the product you bought, or we'll refund the full purchase price of the product. Your happiness is our ultimate goal at StarryPrints.
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