Dog Lovers, Cat Lovers- Personalized Circle Metal Ornament For Pet Owners 2022 Christmas Gift
Christmas trees are meant to look dazzling, and while regular tree ornaments are great, nothing beats adding your personal touch. Our Personalized Ornament is a perfect way for you to get creative this season for your holiday decor, award displays, and other celebratory occasions.
It is made with high-quality aluminum material, which is very durable and makes a wonderful heirloom to use year after year, generation after generation. Unlike brittle ceramic or soft wooden ornaments, metal ornaments are scratch and chip-resistant, so they can be stored together with other decorations in your Christmas decoration box without worry. What makes our ornaments even better is that they are all printed on both sides, and every ornament comes with a red hanging ribbon for your convenience.
Product Info:
3.5”/8.9cm in diameter, 0.13"/0.32cm in thickness.
White aluminum base with a glossy finish.
Scratch and chip resistant surface.
More durable than wooden or ceramic ornaments.
Printed on both sides with vibrant colors.
Comes with a red ribbon for hanging.
Care Instruction:
Clean by wiping with a damp cloth.
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Text: Standard English, excluding special characters and emojis, to ensure the best result.
Please be aware that the Preview may be slightly different from the physical item in terms of color due to the lighting at the product photoshoot or your device’s display.
- For More Details, Please Visit Our Shipping Information Page.
Production Time: All orders are processed within 1 - 2 business days.
Processing Time: It takes 1 - 3 business days to dispatch your order to our warehouse, put your name and address on it and ship out.
Shipping Time: For Most Products, shipments within the USA take 3 - 6 business days. Typically it takes up to around 10 business days to an EU address(DHL Express upgrade possible at the checkout) and 10-20 days for other international address. Please note that this time frame starts from the date that the item is shipped out.
- For items shipped to the EU from outside the EU, please note that your country may expect you to pay import duty fee.
Resend & Refund
Focusing on our customer satisfaction is the top of our mission, we always pull out all the stops for bringing the best customer experiences regarding the product & service qualification when doing business with us.
- For More Details, Please Visit Our Return Policy Page.
- If your product arrives with a defect or doesn't quite match your expectations, rest assured we're here to make things right. In line with our policy, we'll take one of two actions to ensure your satisfaction: We'll either send you a replacement that's equivalent to the product you bought, or we'll refund the full purchase price of the product. Your happiness is our ultimate goal at StarryPrints.
- We do not require you to return any items, it’s less trouble for you and less environmental impact on the world.